The Weekly Word and First Word publications are located below the discipleship offerings
Monday Evenings | 6:00p | Sapp Conference Room
Family Ties looks at the patriarchal families of Genesis 12-15 - continuing with Jacob, Joseph, and his brothers.
Tuesday Mornings | 10:30a | Sapp Conference Room
Listen to Him: A Journey from the Mount of Transfiguration to the Cross
Join the disciples and travel with Jesus from the Mount of Transfiguration to the streets of Jerusalem, all the way to the Cross. We will learn to listen closely as Jesus tells us what it means to follow him.
Click here to let us know you're coming!
Wednesday Evenings | Starting at 4:45p
*March 12th - April 9th*
Midweek Study:
James - The First Real Christian by J.D. Walt
Do you remember the first real Christian you ever met? There’s a quality about these kinds of people. They step up, put their money where their mouth is, and do the Word of God. Their lives beckon the followers of Jesus to stop phoning it in. James was like this, a true agent of awakening. His life and words operate like a reverse snooze bar. As we start to drift into sleep, his words offer a wake-up call. Through this Daily Text discipleship resource, James will implore us day after day to become real Christians. There are many people all around us who have been hurt by hypocrisy and who will only be healed by seeing the genuine article. Widows, orphans, and so many caught in the cruelty of inescapable poverty wake up every day with hopes of meeting their first real Christian. Jesus has all their numbers, and James has ours. He’s looking for more friends like us. Let’s join him and add to his tribe of the first real Christians.
Facilitator: Carolyn Kierce
Location: Conference Room B
Cost: $10 (James: The First Real Christian)
Midweek Study: Bridges Out of Poverty
Would you be surprised to know that what is perceived about poverty is not what is real and true? What would God have us do to serve those in poverty? Have you ever considered how a follower of Christ can best serve those living in poverty? Bridges Out of Poverty is a unique and powerful class that will connect us with the lives of those currently living in poverty. It arms Christians with education to better serve people in poverty, as well as how to increase the likelihood of moving them from welfare to work. Because our church serves people enduring poverty, only a deeper understanding of their unique challenges and strengths will help us partner with them to create their best opportunities for success and a wonderful opportunity to fulfill our calling to serve and love our neighbor.
Facilitator: Lauren Ray
Location: Conference Room A
Midweek Study: The Digital Fast - A Lenten Adventure
If we want to make systemic, long-lasting changes to our relationship with our devices, we must do so in community. If you have chosen to participate in The Digital Fast, this small group may be for you. We will engage in weekly conversations and discuss what we are learning about ourselves as we detach from our devices and learn to delight in the Lord. Our dialogue will be guided by devotional readings and personal reflections. We will share our insights and tips for how we are learning to disengage with our phones and be fully present with our family and friends.
Facilitator: Laurel Griffith
Location: Sapp Conference Room
Optional Cost: $15 (The Digital Fast Workbook)
Sunday School begins at 9:30a. With over 10 classes for adults, there's a place for everyone! To find the best fit for you, contact Laurel Griffith, Associate Minister.
The Wesleyan Journey Sunday School Class
February 2nd - March 23rd
This is an eight-week study for those who have questions about faith, Methodism, or our church. Whether you are new around here or you'd like a "refresher" course in basic beliefs about salvation, this class has been designed for you. We will reflect upon God's ever-present grace; the experience of acceptance, pardon, and forgiveness; and the lifelong journey of becomig more like Jesus every day. Sign up online or by calling the church office.
Virtual Sunday School***
New videos are available every Wednesday at 5p on Facebook & YouTube. Click here for our Sunday School YouTube Playlist!
4:15p | Conference Room B
*March 16th - April 13th*
Parents of Teen Study: The Digital Fast - A Lenten Adventure
If we want to make systemic, long-lasting changes to our relationship with our devices, we must do so in community. If you have chosen to participate in The Digital Fast, this small group may be for you. We will engage in weekly conversations and discuss what we are learning about ourselves as we detach from our devices and learn to delight in the Lord. Our dialogue will be guided by devotional readings and personal reflections. We will share our insights and tips for how we are learning to disengage with our phones and be fully present with our family and friends.
Facilitator: Laurel Griffith
Cost: $15 (The Digital Fast Workbook)
Men's Fellowship Dinner
Next meeting: April 10th
Fellowship at 5:30p, Dinner at 6:00p
Camp Kirksey
RSVP by noon on Tuesday, April 8th
Senior Adult Ministry (SAM)
Next meeting: Thursday, May 15th
SAM will be going to The Palace in Sylvester May 15th Meet in Ford Hall parking lot at 11:15. RSVP by noon on Tuesday, May 13th. Lunch on you, transportation on us! For further questions, please contact Anna Miller.
Interested in traveling to Scotland in 2025? Click here for more information!