One Year Bible

Journey with us in 2025!

We invite you to read the Bible in a year, by using the reading God Sightings—Learning to Experience God Every Day, that you can purchase at your favorite retailer. When we are in Gods word, incredible things will happen. You’ll actually watch God at work in your life. Not because he’s suddenly shown up—but because you finally have eye to see and experience God— every day! Our Wednesday night devotions will also come from the weekly readings.

Do I have to order the guide to participate?

No! The guide is there to help you engage with the Bible, see practical ways God is expressing himself in your life, capture your thoughts, feelings, and insights, and includes questions to help challenge you to dig deeper in the Word.

What is the reading plan exactly?

 The reading is a few chapters each week. Click here to download/print/view the full 52 week reading plan.

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