
2025 Stewardship Commitment Pledge

Following your time of prayer and discernment regarding your stewardship commitment for 2025, please complete the form below. This pledge is important to you and to your church. It gives each one of us a chance to worship God in a real and tangible way. Just like that precious child in John 6 generously placed his lunch in the hands of Jesus who multiplied it to feed the multitudes, we have a chance to generously place our gift in His hands in faith and trust. Additionally, our collective commitment is the way that our church can plan for ministry in 2025. Our financial commitments help us determine how we will fund our ministry and mission over the next year. When you sow generosity through your faith commitments, you plant in the field with your brothers and sisters in Christ. Our generosity all together will yield a harvest of God’s blessing and changed lives in our church, community, and world.

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