
Need Realm Help? Let us know here:

  • How do I download the app?

    You can download the Realm Connect App from the App Store or the Google Play Store using the links below! 

    For the App Store, click here

    For the Google Play, click here

  • I didn't receive an email

    If you didn't receive an email to create an account in Realm, you may not have an email address in Realm or the email address we have is incorrect. If you have an account for online giving, you already have an account and  you'll use that information to login to the Realm Connect App. You can check by calling the church office or filling out the form above. 

  • What is Realm Connect for?

    Realm allows churches to stay connected! You'll be able to view upcoming events, view groups that you're part of, view your giving, connect with your serving teams, and access our churchwide directory. 

  • Can everyone see all my information?

    Realm allows the staff to keep track of milestones, prayer requests, Sunday School classes, Congregational Teams, and everyday information like phone numbers and emails. While staff will have access to all the information, you can decide how much you want to share with the congregation. You do this by changing your settings through the app. Simply click on my profile, click the pencil, and select who you would like to share your information with. If you have any questions about this, the staff is available to help! 

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